Thoughts on PC service:
-Unique opportunity
-Isn't as serious about making a measurable difference as they say
-Isn't as creative as they say-almost everything has been done before and there is a way to do it
-Its just what you make of it(even though that sounds really cookie-cutter its the truth)
-Doesn't do anything but good for the volunteer and it is a great time to slow down, think, and learn
Ways I have changed:
-Daily expressions come out in spanish, not in english, and i have trouble translating them back to english
-Im a lot more comfortable with uncomfortable situations
-I don't care what people think about me
-I make sure I do things to keep me happy
-I expect about 10% of my goals to be accomplished and get excited if more than that gets done
-I don't get frustrated when people say things like "It's just complicated" because I say it a lot now
-I realize how smart I am
-I realize the things I am good at
-I see a whole bunch of things I am not good at
-I wash my hands less, generally worry about hygiene less
-For the first time in my life I am out of shape and am not really bothered by it
-I am more aware of how important strong friendships are
-I see my future as a really cool open opportunity, not as 'the real world' that is coming quickly and forcing me to make a decision
-I realize how short a lifespan is
-My manners have degraded significantly
-I am much more pessimistic about the world without being pessimistic about small achievements
-I am proud to be an American (I can't believe he is our President)
-I have slowed down
-Although I am less happy on a regular basis, I am happier with myself and with my life(ha, it's complicated)
-I realize I am rich, lucky, and priveleged but don't think I need to apologize for it
-The world is a whole lot smaller
-The world is a whole lot less diverse
-I grew up, without becoming even a little bit more mature
Aright, that is a pretty comprehensive picture of what I am thinking after having been here for a while.'s complicated. When people ask me if I like it here, I don't have an overjoyed reaction because there are ups and downs(these are like spikes on a lie detector, not smooth, gradual changes from good to bad). Its complicated. But when faced with the question of whether or not I would recommend the experience-that is easy. Absolutely. It is not easy, and its not all good or all bad. It's a whole bunch of challenges and changes that are hard to put into words. It messes with your emotions and with your values. But just as I was told coming in, when one year comes around and you start looking past Peace Corps towards the future, I feel so lucky to be here. And Peace Corps volunteers are the best group of young people I have ever met. They are all real people and they all do bad things. But they are all honestly trying to figure out life and live it in a worthwhile way. They all get that. It ain't easy and it ain't all good. But it's life, this is the world, AND I AM ALL MIXED UP IN IT. Feels good.